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IEEE Curtin University Student Branch

Safety and Risk Management Lunch & Learn

Thu, 30 Mar 2023
12:10 - 14:00

Want to be better prepared for your work placements?

IEEE are hosting an event for and Public Transport Authority and Office of Major Transport Infrastructure Delivery, who will share interesting and informative presentations on the following:

• Managing workplace risks 

• How workplace safety has evolved

• How YOU can stay safe in the workplace

Stick around to network and gain valuable connections with industry professionals, as well as some well-deserved free food!

Ticket Type Price
Members For IEEE Curtin STudent Branch 2023 members - sign up to receive this price! $5.00 Sale Ended
Non-member $10.00 Sale Ended
IEEE 2023 Committee $0.00 Sale Ended
Curtin Bldg 401.001 Hollis Lecture Theatre
Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Western Australia, Australia

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